Freedom With Altitude: Breaking The Mold And Creating An Unstoppable Mindset In Times Of Uncertainty

Andre Vicario, CEO, financial industry leader, author, and speaker is certain that if you are willing to make necessary changes today you can achieve your American Dream of tomorrow. Andre took the biggest risk of his life during the 2008 economic meltdown to start ModFinancial “Where Dreams Take Flight” (formerly CalChoice Financial), now bringing financial independence to thousands of people and their families every day.

Andre is a modern entrepreneur that has defied countless odds with sheer fortitude and perseverance and in his book Freedom With Altitude he shows you how you can do it too.Nothing about Andre Vicario’s childhood pointed to one day becoming a multimillionaire, but he did. It wasn’t a miracle that brought him here, it was his mindset cultivated over time and often through the fire of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Andre has literally dedicated his life to giving people the tools and roadmaps to create their own American Dream. After over two decades of being on the frontlines of the financial industry, Andre is confident the single most significant factor separating the rich and poor is the difference in mindset.

This book is dedicated to laying out the key mindset markers that will keep you stuck or set you free.


Day 3 Business Mastery